7 Facts About Dust Mites You Didn’t Know

One of the great reasons for you to resort to professional upholstery cleaning is to avoid the presence of mites.

These “domestic animals” are tiny arthropods, as well as microscopic spiders, which proliferate in all corners of the world, even if they prefer to live in more temperate climates.

7 Facts About Dust Mites You Didn't Know

So today we bring you some facts about them that you might not know:

  1. They depend on humidity and do not like light, their favorite places are plush dolls, mattresses, rugs, and upholstery in general.
  2. They have different habitats and not just the dust of our homes.
  3. They feed on many things, but their favorite food is undoubtedly skin scales, both animal and human.
  4. Their hook-shaped paws make them resistant to the power of a vacuum cleaner. The plots are “glued” so tightly that it is practically impossible to eliminate them with this resource.
  5. A good way to eliminate them is with hot water (temperatures above 55 degrees Celsius) or freezing them.
  6. They can survive any climate and their life expectancy is about 15 days.
  7. The best way to eradicate them completely and efficiently is to use specific products for this purpose. And so you don’t have to worry about handling chemicals, we have the complete solution to leave your upholstery free of mites, fungi, and bacteria.

Talk to us and learn more.