How to Build a Handrail for Outdoor Steps

If your outdoor steps are concrete or wood, providing a handrail adds security and may be required by your local codes. This procedure will be for steps that will be disallowed from a wooden platform between the poles. Some Handrail Systems can be elaborated with balausores and decorative ornaments. Once you’ve set the top handrail as described here, you can easily add these other items.

How to Build a Handrail for Outdoor Steps
How to Build a Handrail for Outdoor Steps


How to build a handrail for outdoor steps

Step 1

Using the hole digger, dig two holes at least 18 inches deep directly into the front at both ends of the last step. These holes must be perpendicular to the poles existing on the walking platform and be equally spaced from those poles. Use the framing square in line with the top post, the long side designed for the last step indicating proper alignment with the top pole.

Step 2

Stand a 5-foot-long pole, 4 x 4 inches in each hole. Mix the water and the concrete in the bucket for the consistency of the toothpaste. Carefully pour about half of the contents into each hole containing the wood post. Use the 4-foot level to support the perfectly vertical poles in both directions so that the Poles are in line and parallel with the existing top posts. Do Not Proceed until the concrete is defined, usually the next day.

Step 3

Place the handrail material at the top of the stairs so that the handrail is next to the top and bottom posts. Place the angle divider on the top of the handrail. Slide it down to the bottom post and extend the metal arm to match the vertical post. This will set the angle of the stairs. Move the angle splitter set to the top pole, and again Place the angle splitter on the rail to compare the two poles. If the angle is the same, you won’t need the second angle splitter. If It is not the same, use the second splitter to set the angle of the top pole. Adjust the handrail and the separate angle splitter (s) for future use.

Step 4

Measure the main edge of the lower step 35 inches and mark the post on the outermost edge. Repeat this step on the top pole of the deck for walking. This will set the parallel height for the handrail. Place the speed square on the pole and transfer that mark to the other side of the post. Repeat for the other side of the staircase.

Step 5

With the right angle splitter, mark the same angle on the pole on both sides to be careful not to move the angle. Secure the circular saw to its deepest setting. Cut The post on those lines coming out from the top of the pole with the exposed angle.

Step 6

Place the handrail on top of the newly cut posts so that the handrail extends several inches beyond the posts. Manually Adjust the position so that the edges have the same spacing around. Secure the handrail with 5 3-inch cover bolts on each post.

Step 7

Adjust the speed square on the handrail a few centimeters beyond the pole and draw a straight line. Place the angle splitter on the speed square and record the angle you design in the compass grade settings. Attach the board to the circular saw at the angle marked on the speed square and cut the line. Repeat the top post and the other side of the stair system.

Step 8

Sand the handrail to remove any fragmentation and roughness.

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