Rapid Reform: What is the Difference between Laminate Flooring and Vinyl Flooring?

Who wants to turn the House without losing time? You can use two types of floor: laminated or vinyl flooring. “Once the subfloor is right, the placement is quick,” Bianka Mugnatto interior design. “It is possible to decorate a room in a day.” The two materials are also easy to clean and can be overlaid on other floors. How to choose so the correct coating?

Rapid Reform: What is the Difference between Laminate Flooring and Vinyl Flooring?
What is the Difference Between Laminate Flooring and Vinyl Flooring?

Vinyl flooring is made with vinyl chloride or PVC. The material comes in boards, rulers, or blankets.
Already the laminate consists of layers of materials made of wood, as crowded and high-density wood panel (HDF). The top layer receives a decorative pattern impregnated with resin. The coat comes in rules; it can be installed by snap or glue.



The vinyl floor noise drowns out steps and helps conserve the environment’s temperature. How is protected by polyurethane resin, a spot tiny, and is hypoallergenic? And there’s no shortage of options. The product can have vibrant colors to a discrete appearance. “Manufacturers replicate the look of wood with such perfection that it’s hard to distinguish,” says the architect Ana Cristina Tavares, KTA Office.

The laminate is very easy to install: the next day, it is possible to use it. In the event of a change, it can be dismantled and taken to the new House. “He is considered floating, so the floor does not have to be as flush as in the case of vinyl flooring,” adds Bianka. Durability is also high-ranges from 5 to 16 years.


Weak points

The vinyl flooring scratches if the abrasion is great – as in the case of a refrigerator being moved. Their pigment also fades with the Sun. In addition, the floor supports water but cannot be submerged. So it is good to avoid it in external areas and flood rooms, like bathrooms and kitchens. “For these environments, have coatings that behave better, as the ceramic and porcelain tiles,” says the interior designer Bianka. ”

Already the laminate propagates sounds easily. “To avoid the toque-toque of the shoe, you need to cover the subfloor with an acoustic blanket,” said Ronaldo. Very slick, the floor makes the lives of pets that end up slipping. Due to your wooden core, the material cannot be covered with water – those who spill any liquid needs to dry up soon. Finally, you need to install felt on the feet of furniture and use polyethylene casters.



The only vinyl works well with a dry, clean floor and is strictly capped. To create this surface, the best way is to apply a leveling mass composed of glue and cement. With the mixture, it is possible to apply the floor, not as smooth surfaces, such as ceramic or polished stones. The next step is to glue or snap the flooring and wait to dry. It’s a bad idea to install vinyl flooring over materials that can rot, like wood and laminate. Tip: hire an experienced Installer able to assess the subfloor and indicate corrections.

The laminate also needs a dry, clean and level floor but accepted variations of up to 3 mm every 1.5 m long. So, it can cover stone, concrete and ceramics, from the surface to receive a regular blanket made of plastics, polyethylene, or polyurethane. The product can be installed with glue or with the docking system. It is necessary to leave an expansion space between the edges of the floor and the wall. And also, it’s worth hiring an installer; you can evaluate the subfloor.



The vinyl flooring resists stains and the proliferation of bacteria. Day by day, just sweep with a broom or pass a squeegee with a damp cloth. If you want a more thorough cleaning, use fabric with water and neutral SOAP.
Clean the laminate with a vacuum cleaner or soft bristle broom passed in the sense of the rules – but be careful not to scratch the surface. Then a damp cloth with mild soap (remember to wring well). Stains require detergent and alcohol. Paint, varnish, and grease come out with kerosene, paint thinner, or turpentine.


Which environments to install them?

The vinyl flooring works well in indoor areas that don’t receive intense sun. “I like to use in children’s room, especially allergic, due to the ease of cleaning,” says interior designer Bianka. “Also the install in environments that need more thermal comfort, as the Home Office,” he adds. “The floor is unbeatable when it wants to reform an environment quickly, or if you want to finish easy to install and maintain,” adds Ana Cristina, the KTA.
The laminate goes well in dry areas and with warm, requiring a little more sophistication. “I would use in bedrooms, living rooms, in addition to areas such as home offices,” says Vikas. “Avoid in a hallway because the sound of the shoe can disturb.”

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