The size of the above-ground pool pump is crucial to the overall performance of your pool. A smaller pump lacks the power to circulate the water properly to prevent algae blooms. Respectfully, a pump that is too large will completely ignore your filter. This also creates a dirty pool. In a way, it’s similar to Goldilocks and three bears. You don’t want a pump that’s too big or too small; you want one that’s just right.
How can you determine the size of the pump is correct? Let’s explore.
What Size Pump Do I Need?
The general sizing rule
For the most part, the above-ground pools are similar in size and shape. Therefore, unlike most ground associations, there are not many additional variables to consider when sizing the pool pump. However, the only thing you should pay attention to is the maximum gallons per minute (GPM) that your pool filter can handle. The pump GPM should never exceed the GPM of the filter. We will show you how to check it later on the blog.
Sizing the pump is fairly straightforward. There is a general rule that we use that makes it very easy to choose.
For round pools on the floor up to 24 feet (pools with less than 15,300 gallons) use a 1 HP pump.
For round pools on the floor of more than 24 feet. (Pools with more than 15,300 gallons) use an HP 1.5 pump.
Don’t Know How Many Gallons Are In Your Pool?
If you are unsure how many gallons your above-ground pool has, review the charts below.